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PACKAGING OF SHELL EGGS: Nature has given the egg a natural package – the shell. Despite its relative strength, the egg is an extremely fragile product and even with the best handling methods, serious losses can result from shell damage. Economical marketing generally requires that eggs be protected by the adoption of specialized packaging and handling procedures.
Packaging protects the eggs from:
micro-organisms, such as bacteria
loss of moisture
Over temperatures…etc
A very common form of packaging is the filler tray. Filler trays are made of wood pulp molded to accommodate the eggs. They are constructed so that they can be stacked one on top of the other and can also be placed in boxes ready for transport. Usually, the standard egg tray carries 36 eggs. Therefore, if a box holds five trays, for example, the box has a total of 180 eggs (36 x 5 = 180).
The cases used may be made of sawn wood; however, they are more commonly made of cardboard. When using cardboard cases, special care must be taken in stacking so that excess weight is not placed on a case at the bottom of a stack.
STORAGE OF EGGS: The storage of shell eggs during the main laying season. For the successful storage of eggs, the following conditions must be met.
The eggs placed in storage must be clean;
They must not be washed or wet.
The packaging material used should be new, clean, and odorless.
Loss of water due to evaporation should be reduced to a minimum.
The storage room must be free from tainting products and materials and should be cleaned regularly with odorless detergent sanitizers.
The storage room must be kept at a constant temperature and humidity must be checked.
There should be air circulation in the storage room.
Eggs should be stored so that they are allowed to breathe.
As far as possible, interior quality should be monitored; there should be a good proportion of thick white, the yolk should stand up well, and the flavor of white and yolk should be good.
If all of the above requirements are to be met, refrigerated storage is necessary.